Embed/display values within text

Within text boxes (such as labels or captions on dialogs), you can signify that the values of 'Variables' are to be displayed, by enclosing the variable name (case sensitive) within curly brackets { }, or by copying in the variable name via the Knowledge Explorer.

For example having this Prompt text for an attribute:

The employee is a {Grade} in the company.
What is the current salary?

This would cause the current value of the Grade attribute (e.g. Director) to be displayed in this text at run time.

You could also embed a property value by using the syntax {Grade.propertyName}.

For example, the user run time text can be displayed in place of the value (i.e. in place of the value as shown on the Instances editor). To do this add the property name as the suffix .description to the attribute name, for example:

The employee is a {Grade.description} in the company.
What is the current salary?

See also the section on Making references to properties for more help on this.

Using embedded functions

You can also call user defined functions by embedding them within text boxes, such as in label controls on Dialogs. For example, you could put this line of text in a label:

John's location is {GetLocation ('John')}

which would invoke the GetLocation function when the dialog is displayed.

Embed a String variable or List attribute

Embed a Numeric variable

Embed a Numeric outcome

The non appearance of embedded values in text