Button control
Any number of Button controls can be added to a Dialog using the Button control
on the toolbar of Dialog editor.
The action perfomed at runtime by clicking the button depends primarily on its ButtonType property setting.
- OK: Attempt to leave this diaolog
- Back: step back to previous dialog.
- Exit: Closes the whole of current runtime session. The following Knowledge Module Settings can be set in conjunction with this property setting
- Show Close Confirmation
- Close Confirmation Text
- Macro: The name of a Procedure type object can be specified using the Macro property, to execute the commands that the procedure contains when the button is pressed. The MacroAutoOK property enables the default OK function to be invoked as soon as the command macro sequence has been completed. Should the command macros update variables that are shown on the current graphical dialog box, either as attribute value input boxes or when embedded within text, then these will also update the screen display of these variables.
- Restart: Restart the session from the beginning (losing all captured values)
- URL allows the button-click to jump the the link specified in the URL property
The following legacy settings are only available for Windows Desktop Deployment
- How diplay list of questions and answers that lead to this point in inference
- Again: Restart the session from the beginning (losing all captured values)
- Print: This button will print the current dialog.
- Help: Call up a user defined help file. The HelpFile property of the Knowledge Module's information specifies the default help file to be used at run time. You can also set the default help file during run time by using the @Help command, and the help context_ID numbers can be specified using the HelpAtt or HelpID properties for the button.
The Caption property (defaults to 'Button') should be set for all Buttons
For Windows Desktop Deployment the caption can include an ALT key letter. For example, using a button title of &Back would produce a button marked Back, where pressing ALT+B at run time would be the same as pressing the button. The first ampersand character is always treated as an ALT key indicator and must therefore be used with care.
The Button Control can be made invisible at runtime by assigning the Visible property to False
When both the IsArea & Visible properties are both set to True, the Button will not be visible to the runtime user, but instead act as a kind of hotspot. This is typically used with an overlaid image controls for the user to click on, thus providing an alternative look to the standard button.